Hugs Of The SkyLimbourg, Belgium

Psych Fuzz Rockrequest booking

Hugs of the Sky is the fusion between two psychedelic rock bands from Limburg, Belgium. The two bands largely consisted of the same members and they decided to bundle their

powers for a split-album in the Summer of 2018. This album started an adventurous and exciting trip that led to two more albums released only a few of months later. The third one "Virtual Lullaby Circus" is now out on vinyl.

Live, the band always finds a way to surprise the audience as well as themsevles, mixing new songs with re-takes of 'older' songs, switching instruments along the way. At the same time the oeuvre has become so broad, that the set can be dreamy and lo-fi the one night, and very loud and intrusive the other, but most of the time, Hugs Of The Sky exactly hit the sweet spot right in between.


  • “On their most recent single Beheaded Knight, the Belgian supergroup showcase their penchant for crafting fuzzy and effortlessly charming psych-rock gems that feel like they may come from another planet. If you’re not already across this band, now’s a perfect time to change that.”


2023Psychedelic Pop Corn EP
2022Tangerine Boredom Delusion
2019Virtual Lullaby Circus


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There are no upcoming dates scheduled for this band.